Binge Eating Therapy


Girls Get Eating Disorders

Only Rich White Girls Get Eating Disorders

I tend to shy away from talking about what I do for a living when meeting someone in social situations like at parties or on an airplane. The phrase “I am a psychotherapist specializing in the treatment of eating disorders,” is met with either awkward silence, or uncomfortable reactions such as, “I wish I had an

Only Rich White Girls Get Eating Disorders Read More »

Dealing With Hurt Feelings

5 Simple Rules for Dealing With Hurt Feelings

Last night, I was talking to Sarah, a client of mine who was filled with anger, rage and hurt because she felt that a friend had totally betrayed her. Sarah had told her best friend Angela about a job that she was going to apply to and then, without telling Sarah, Angela went ahead,  sent her resume

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I’m Really Impressed by The Blond Vegan

If you’ve been following eating disorder news or blogosphere foodies at all, you know the story about the blond vegan. If you don’t, I’ll give you a quick recap. A young woman, Jordan Younger, who has been a prolific instagrammer and blogger had spent a year photographing her beautiful vegan meals, her exercise feats, and

I’m Really Impressed by The Blond Vegan Read More »

Recover From Binge Eating

Is it Possible to Recover From Binge Eating Disorder on Your Own?

I received an email from a woman who is currently reading my book and she asked me the question, “do you think it’s possible to reach recovery on my own?” It’s a really good question and one that I thought should be discussed in more depth on the blog. I know what the reader means

Is it Possible to Recover From Binge Eating Disorder on Your Own? Read More »

can’t stop bingeing

Friday (Er- I mean Sunday) Q&A- I can’t stop bingeing- No Matter what I try!

As I said previously, I’m catching up on several months of questions. I’ve got two babies at home (one very new and one a young toddler) and my new book will be released in less than 3 weeks, so that’s been taking up  any second I have that’s not either nursing a baby or chasing

Friday (Er- I mean Sunday) Q&A- I can’t stop bingeing- No Matter what I try! Read More »

eating disorder to my daughter

Q & A Friday- How do I explain my eating disorder to my daughter?

I know that I have a huge backlog of questions to answer and you’ll forgive me that I pushed this one to the front. I so rarely get parenting questions and I forget how important they really are. Question: After many, many years of struggle, I am finally trying to seriously recover from my binge eating

Q & A Friday- How do I explain my eating disorder to my daughter? Read More »

Turned into Binge Days

Friday Q & A- Cheat Days Have Turned into Binge Days

Question: My name is Elizabeth. I am from Australia and have been struggling with binge eating just over 6 months now. It started when I competed as a Fitness Model– I was on a very restrictive diet and was allowed “cheat meals” once per week- these cheat meals became binges. After my comp the cheat

Friday Q & A- Cheat Days Have Turned into Binge Days Read More »