Binge Eating Therapy

Right out of the Freezer

Nervous Eating, Right out of the Freezer

  Have you ever wanted “to eat” so badly that rather than heating food up, you have stood in front of the refrigerator eating it cold? Have you ever been standing at your kitchen counter pounding a fork into a frozen cheesecake, even though you could have waited for it to thaw until the next day? Have you ever not finished heating something through because you just wanted it now, and even though it would have been more enjoyable with

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eating disorder to my daughter

Q & A Friday- How do I explain my eating disorder to my daughter?

I know that I have a huge backlog of questions to answer and you’ll forgive me that I pushed this one to the front. I so rarely get parenting questions and I forget how important they really are. Question: After many, many years of struggle, I am finally trying to seriously recover from my binge eating disorder.  Your website has given me many important points to take time to think about as I begin.  I do know that I never learned

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Turned into Binge Days

Friday Q & A- Cheat Days Have Turned into Binge Days

Question: My name is Elizabeth. I am from Australia and have been struggling with binge eating just over 6 months now. It started when I competed as a Fitness Model– I was on a very restrictive diet and was allowed “cheat meals” once per week- these cheat meals became binges. After my comp the cheat meals/binges became more regular now they are just a way of life. I get stressed out easily and am often alone- my partner works away, I

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diet for my graduation

Friday Q & A- I’m trying to diet for my graduation, but I can’t stop bingeing

Question: I’ve been trying to be on a diet under 1200 calories a day so that I can look good during my graduation which is two weeks away. For the past few weeks I’ve been exercising on an average of  four days a week and trying to keep my calorie intake in check. But this  this week, things just got way out of hand. I began  craving junk food more. I started buying ice cream bars, muffins, chips and eating

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obsession with food

Friday Q & A- How can I stop this obsession with food?

For the next several posts, I’ll be playing catch-up with Q&As. It’s not Friday, but here’s your Q & A! Question: This comes to us from a reader named Maureen. Hello, I  came across your blog when, after succumbing to yet another binge episode, I took to the internet in the hopes of finding some answers, somewhere. I’ve been dealing with this disease for about 2 years now, and I just can’t do it anymore. It’s exhausting and I hate

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home for the holiday

Going home for the holidays when you’re dealing with binge eating disorder or bulimia

During my first semester of grad school, right before  Thanksgiving break, my Human Development professor asked for a show of hands as to how many people were heading home for the holidays. After about half the class raised their hands, he looked at us and said, “Listen, I don’t care how long you’ve been in therapy, I don’t care how many years of 4 day a week Psychoanalysis you’ve done, I don’t care how many meditation retreats you’ve done, how

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Avoid a Binge at the Airport

How to Avoid a Binge at the Airport

 Binge eating and binge drinking at the airport is extremely common. Long airport layovers are recipes for compulsive behavior because: Traveling is stressful and binge eating is a stress relief You are bored and it’s a way to fight boredom Although you are traveling among several thousands of people, if you are traveling  alone, you are in a city where nobody knows you and this can feel very isolated and anonymous and secretive. There is a bounty of fast foods and

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Office Christmas Parties

Office Christmas Parties, Gift Baskets, Luncheons, etc.- How to Survive These Things with an Eating Disorder

The whole month of December can be awful for someone with eating issues. First off, there’s the plethora of parties that are going on as well the cookie exchanges and the office luncheon. Then there are gift baskets full of food everywhere, there are chocolates sitting in the office kitchen, bowls of peppermint bark and peppermint hot chocolates beckoning, and not to mention appreciation dinners and luncheons. Couple that with cold weather and craving warm comfort food and you’ve got

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pregnant but I can’t stop binge eating

Q&A Friday- I want to get pregnant but I can’t stop binge eating

  Just a note, I’m working through my backlog of questions. If you’ve emailed me a question and haven’t heard back, please don’t think I’m ignoring you… I’ll get to it!  Hi, I have been binge eating for a good 10 years and my weight has fluctuated up and down about 10kgs. I know that might not seem like a lot, but the continuous yo-yo affect is not good physically and emotionally. I cannot pin point what made me start

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food is overpowering

Friday Q & A- I feel that food is overpowering my life

Question: Hi, I stumbled upon your website and figured I’d shoot you an email. I’m 24, and my relationship with food is absolutely horrific. I find that for several months I can stick to an eating plan (such as weight watchers) get down to a normal weight for myself, become incredibly happy, until I fall into a hole again. It’s as if I have no consistency with the presence of this disorder. I have been out of control again since

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Thanksgiving Guilt

Friday Q&A- Thanksgiving Guilt

Question: Hi there, I’m a 20 y.o. girl and I’m on the heels of a Thanksgiving binge. It makes me feel a lot like I’ve failed; I know I went into this holiday hoping to lose a couple pounds (I’m at the highest I’ve ever weighed), and this slip-up makes me feel really bad about myself. I know how illogical it is, but I need some encouragement on this. I felt as though I’d been doing well with my eating

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Successful Thanksgiving without Binge Eating

15 Steps to Having a Successful Thanksgiving without Binge Eating

Thanksgiving can be a nightmare for anyone dealing with binge eating, bulimia or other compulsive eating issues.  For many people, being around the stress of family coupled with giant amounts of food can be a recipe for acting out excessively with food.  Be prepared before you go to Thanksgiving Dinner. 1.)Have an intention around food and drinking. Think about what you are going to choose to eat and drink and how much. Making this intention will help you to empower

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Binge in the Morning

What to Do if you Binge in the Morning

Now that the holidays are rolling around, all day binges start to happen. You know how it goes, you’ve woken up with the best intentions. You get your coffee and then you spy the box of Christmas cookies on top of the refrigerator. You grab two to dip in your coffee. Then another, then another. Then, before you know it, you’ve eaten the whole box. You’ve had a full-on binge and it’s only 7am. What next? How do you stop

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obsessed with food

Friday Q & A- Help, I’m obsessed with food

Question: Help! I saw your blog and realized that a lot of my odd habits have to do with my unhealthy association with food, but I do not know how to stop it. I am constantly thinking about food, looking for food, and seeing where I can get free food. When I’m at work, I look for places where there is free food available, even if it is not on my floor/department. When there are samples, I can’t help but take more than

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cycle of bingeing and dieting

Friday Q & A- I am stuck in a cycle of bingeing and dieting

Question: My name is Lisa and I live in Texas. I overweight when I was young and went on a diet at age ten and lost 20 pounds. I became super healthy and absolutely loved being in shape and eating healthy foods however it has slowly become more like slavery to me. I never eat anything unhealthy but I tend to binge and go crazy with food before starting like a cleanse or cutting out a certain food because I

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Stop Bingeing on Halloween Candy

I Can’t Stop Bingeing on Halloween Candy!!!!!

That’s the thing that comes with this time of year, lots and lots and lots of candy– out in bowls, all over the place. It starts now and doesn’t end for the next 2 months.  That’s a lot of bingeing. But you don’t have to fall prey to Halloween candy binges. 1.)Don’t fall for the “this is the only time a year that I get to do this.” Do a cost/benefit analysis. Are bite sized Almond Joys and Candy Corns

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Halloween This Year

How about Sexy Einstein for Halloween This Year?

Halloween is challenging for people with eating issues for the obvious reasons- all the candy and partying everywhere. But there is also the fact that for many women, Halloween is a time to put on their sexiest outfits and throw on some horns and be a “sexy devil,” or a “sexy cat,” or a “sexy cop” or a “sexy cheerleader,” or a “dead hooker,” or a “slutty nun,” or something else provocative. My own personal belief is that Halloween is

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Hello There

Why Hello There!

So, you all know that I’ve not been posting because I have two babies at home to take care of. I love my babies to bits and pieces, but seriously, maternity leave is soooooo much harder than going to work. I’m constantly tired and have no time to fold laundry, clean my house, let alone blog, see clients, or work on my book. Meanwhile, I do get the amazing wonderfulness of sitting in my glider nursing and looking into my

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Going back on Maternity Leave

Going back on Maternity Leave

I’ll not be posting very often for a while as I’m expecting baby #2 any day now! Continue to email me your questions, comments, and whatever else you want to tell me to bingeeatingtherapy at gmail dotcom. I do have a backlog of questions there, but I will do my best to get back to you in the next few months!

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Stop Calorie Counting

How to Stop Calorie Counting

Do you ever feel like counting and numbers are taking over your life and your mind? Are you constantly counting pounds on the scale? Weighing and measuring your food? Do you know the number of calories in every food and the grams of carbs in everything that you put in your mouth? Is this obsession driving you crazy? Many of my clients come in feeling as though they’d love to stop counting calories, but they don’t know how, they feel

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