Binge Eating Therapy

binge eating help

can't stop fantasizing about food

Friday – Q&A- I can’t stop fantasizing about food

This comes from a reader who would prefer to remain anonymous: Question- I wondered if you could give me some advice. Sometimes when I feel distressed or tired, I find myself having food fantasies. They are very intense and vivid where I imagine myself eating high-calorie food like cake and other sweet, fatty, high-carb foods.

Friday – Q&A- I can’t stop fantasizing about food Read More »

ways to cope with stress without food

How to beat stress eating– 50 ways to cope with stress without food

If you give a normal person a list of five things to do, they will get started with the first thing on their list. If you give a stress eater a list with five things to do, they will get started by running to the refrigerator. Eating becomes a way to deal with procrastination, fatigue,

How to beat stress eating– 50 ways to cope with stress without food Read More »